Thursday, April 8, 2025

7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at Centro Caboto Centre, Library, 1055 Wilkes Ave.

• News and Updates

The Nitty-Gritty on Bonsai Soil

Join us for an in-depth look at bonsai soil! Stu Innes will start by reviewing the key components available to us and exploring their benefits and drawbacks. From there, he'll get to the root of the subject by summarizing a few typical (default) soil mixes for use with different types of trees, and the basis for each. Finally, he’ll compare these with the tried-and-true practices of our experienced members—our very own “mix masters”—and discuss what blends they’ve found success with. Come uncover our dirty little secrets and elevate your soil game!

Bonsai without shame 

We all have little bonsai secrets we don’t like to talk about. Tonight will be the great unburdening of our bonsai conscience. Dean Laughren will help us look into the mirror of judgment and let us stick out our collective tongues. Bye-bye guilt. 


Do you have something bonsai-related you no longer need that you can donate to the club? Please bring them. Raffles are a fun way to acquire new items and also help raise funds for the club.


Come to a meeting and meet new friends who share your interests.

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